Us preparing to rehearse our own performance
So anyway, we went on the plane. Wasn't really big, but it was still reasonably comfortable. Just a little squeezy.. Food was great! Shimon couldn't get enough of the dessert. After and hour plus, touchdown!
The 6 of us before departure
On the plane!
So anyway we got to our destination and checked into the hotel. The room was gorgeous!! Its like.. perfect for honeymoon lor.. haha.. me and buddy had the room with one big bed..
Shiok sia! Haha.. Jealous yet? More pictures of the resort!
So anyways we had our sun-tanning, beach sports (which had me ending up with injured feet) and finally the Thai Massage! Haha.. shiok! It left me broke though ><.
2 things struck me in Koh Samui.
1. Everything seems half-completed. Buildings were left half done. Haha.
2. Drivers are skilled. Maybe extremely unsafe. They were all travelling at high speeds along narrow roads, with dials that are spoilt. (1 had a speedometer reading of 0 while we were travelling at what must have been easily 70) One was eating Gao Luk while driving! With both elbows on the wheel and trying to pry the nut open.. After awhile, concern turned to absolute faith in the fearless drivers of Koh Samui.
All in all.. it was a really nice trip. Haha.. check out justin's blog.. bet he'll have more pictures to share. Enjoy some more pictures! Others are in my com haha..