Dear All.. I've not been posting for awhile.. haha.. just wanna send out an official apology to all who actually read my blog.
Been really busy these days, running around with little sleep, been outfield, handling contractors amongst many others, running my SECRET project ^^ Indeed, i'm lucky to have this short respite to pen down some thoughts that are floating in my mind.
In awhile, I'll be be back to doing work, this time for the Lord. Haha.. as you guys know, im the Youth Fellowship IC this year, at the same time also involved in other events that the "Church that meets in Jurong " <-- lol thats the right way to put it - is organising. Quite a lot on my hands..
Whew.. work is really piling up.. The only time for leisure in a normal day is on the many bus and train rides which I spend playing my dear PSP. Haha.. can't survive without it man.. Progress has been good for the past week, with a few more new dragons to add to the ones hanging on my wall (no, its only a figure of speech). So i'm happy.
Feeling quite maxed out now. Is this my threshold? My limit? I feel a little drained of both energy and motivation.. What JR said was so true, its good to work on 1 big thing so you can pour your whole being into it and then some, but to spread everything out on many small things is really killer. Think I'm really facing it now. Nonetheless, I feel a sense of satisfaction each time I slap a "DONE" tag on my outstanding items.
Is this the way to lead my life? Actually I'm not so sure. I can't tell whats a good life anymore. Sad.. but true.. maybe the world now is like that. Theres no other way to survive. Gone are the carefree days..
Give me the strength to carry on..